Get access to our global up-to-date analytics and start or advance your career in tech
Get in touch and network with best recruiters from Silicon Valley, Berlin or other global tech hotspots
Jack is our AI-powered project deemed to integrate different services tech specialists are using on the daily basis into one. Jack will be a loyal companion and a professional way paver for millions of tech specialists globaly. We want Jack to inspire more people to give the world of Information Techology and Software Development a try and connect more global telants with IT companies and projects.
Our main client group is IT specialists, software developers and aspiring developers from all around the world.
We have a global IT/tech recruiters network. HR and education professionals from different countries are involved into creation of our products and services.
We work closely and cooperate with other startups from IT HR, Recruitement and Online Education areas.
Global and local employers on the search for international talenst benefit from our services.
*We are a GDPR-compliant German company, ensuring your data’s safety and privacy.